When you type “Maltipoo Breeders Near Me” in your Google search, you will likely get lots of results from all over the country. In the following sections is information about the states and regions that we typically serve from our family home near Barren Springs, VA. Our little homestead is nestled in the SWVA Appalachian mountain foothills of God’s green earth. If you are looking for information about our breeding program, puppy rearing methods and what’s included with our puppies please visit the following pages:
As Maltipoo breeders, the majority of our puppies find homes in the state of Virginia! Although our homestead is located in Southwestern Virginia, many of our customers come from Richmond, Virginia Beach, and other east coast areas. A lot of our customers come from Northern Virginia and the Roanoke and Charlottesville areas as well! Roanoke is only about 1 hour 15 minutes from us, while Richmond is about 3 hours 45 minutes from us. Northern Virginia is approximately 4 hours from us, while Norfolk and Virginia Beach are about 5 hours 30 minutes from us. Visit our Maltipoo Puppies For Sale VA page as you look into Maltipoo breeders near me VA .
Although most of our puppies find wonderful fur-ever homes in Virginia, a good number of our puppies go to families in North Carolina as well. Our Southwest Virginia homestead is only 2 hours from downtown Charlotte and 3 hours away from Raleigh. From Charlotte to Asheville to Winston-Salem to Durham to Mt. Airy and beyond, our puppies bring joy to families across the Tar Heel State!
Eastern TN borders SWVA, only about an hour and a half from our little mini-farm. As a result, a few of our puppies have found their way into loving homes in Tennessee.
Washington DC is located about 4 hours and 45 minutes from our quaint little homestead in Southwestern Virginia.
If you travel straight up Interstate 81, our SWVA home is located 4 hours from the Virginia-Maryland border.
Malltipoo Puppy Pick-Up Day is an exciting day for new puppy owners! As a Maltipoo breeder, if you live in the regions mentioned on this page, we offer several pick-up and delivery options when your puppy is old enough to go home:
Additionally, you can use CitizenShipper.com to arrange to have your puppy shipped to your home.
If you live outside the regions listed on this page, and you want one of our Maltipoo puppies for sale, it is still a possibility. Of course, you can chose to drive to meet us to pick up your puppy. We have had people as far as New Hamshire, Pennsylvania, and Indiana drive to get their puppy from us. You also have shipping and delivery options available to you, such as CitizenShipper.com. Although we will most likely not be able to offer delivery services too far out, you can always check in with Sarah Deaton at Parkway Natural Home at 276-237-0480. She and her daughters offer pet delivery services, so you can call or text her for a quote and to check availability. Tell her Melody at Seeking Shalom Acres sent you!
For more information, please visit our Maltipoo Breeder Approach as you research Maltipoo Breeders Near Me .
Thank you for visiting our Maltipoo Breeders Near Me page. To inquire about our Maltipoo puppies for sale , please toss us a question here . We'll be sure to fetch!