We rear our puppies with scientifically-proven puppy raising methods. We follow these methods for raising puppy because we want to ensure that if you decide to get a puppy from us, it will be the best family pet or companion you can find! Below is a list of our puppy-rearing methods followed by a short description of each method. Also, be sure to visit our What's Included page to learn about everything that is included with each puppy we sell.
Below are short descriptions of each of the puppy raising strategies that we use from the list above.
A very important puppy raising strategy, family-rearing is vital for puppies that are raised to become family pets! Puppy raising in a family environment exposes the puppy to all kinds of stimuli that are common to family life. As a result, the sounds, sights, smells, activities, etc. of family life are not frightening or unusual to the puppy. Likewise, regular handling - even by small children with appropriate supervision and guidance - is not terrifying or overwhelming to the puppy. Instead, as far as the puppy is concerned, these stimuli are just part of normal life. By contrast, raising a puppy sheltered from the hustle and bustle of family life would be completely overwhelmed if they suddenly found themselves in the middle of a family! This can lead to fear, anxiety, and even aggression in the puppy, which is a recipe for disaster! Related Articles: Benefits Of Family-Reared Puppies Where Should Puppies Be Raised? by Karen B. London, PhD
As a vital part of puppy raising, socialization is critically-important for a puppy to be able to adapt and adjust to new environments and experiences. In other words, a well-socialized puppy feels safe and comfortable in many situations. Honestly, a great deal of socialization happens after a puppy goes to their new home. But early socialization by your breeder can create a strong foundation for successfully socialization. Early socialization begins at birth and includes regular gentle handling to instill trust in humans. Additionally, we use Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) and ambient sound exposure as part of our early puppy socialization. Related Articles: Benefits Of Early Puppy Socialization Purdue University Basics of Socialization PDF Pupford Puppy Socialization Checklist PDF
The Early Neurological Stimulation method in puppies was developed by the US Military. Overall, the Military's goal was to help improve the stability and performance of dogs being raised to be working military dogs. Basically, it is a simple method of daily tactile exposure the puppy receives starting at just a few days old. As a result, many benefits have been observed in dogs who received ENS as young puppies. Surprisingly, these benefits are not limited to emotional stability, but also include physical benefits. For example, the following benefits have been observed: stronger heart beats, stronger cardio-vascular performance (heart rate), stronger adrenal glands, greater disease-resistance, and better stress tolerance. Related Articles: Benefits Of Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) Better Breeding Dog: Early Neurological Stimulation AKC: Puppy Socialization Starts with the Breeder: Early Neurological Stimulation
Early Scent Introduction (ESI) is a socialization protocol that exposes young puppies to various different scents between 3 and 16 weeks of age. This takes advantage of the puppies' critical socialization period. Potential benefits of Early Scent Introduction include: increased socialization, enhanced learning, improved bonding, reduced fear and anxiety, and enhanced health and wellness. Related Articles: Benefits Of Early Scent Introduction (ESI) Building The Brains Of Newborn Puppies
Ambient sound exposure is a method that exposes young puppies to a large variety of sounds in a safe, non-stressful way. In particular, these sounds include everything from a vacuum-cleaner to farm noises to traffic to airplanes flying above, etc. In so doing, using this puppy raising method, the puppy becomes familiarized with all kinds of sounds. As a result, the puppy is much less likely to become frightened or bark when they encounter the sounds in real life. Related Articles: Why Ambient Sound Exposure For Puppies Is Important Puppy Socialization Resources: Sounds
As part of puppy raising, we use holistic practices and products. When a puppy is holistically-reared, they are raised in a natural manner. In other words, the puppy receives wholesome, natural food, combined with gentle, safe, natural remedies when needed. As a result, the puppy is not exposed to nearly the level of toxic substances that a puppy who is reared conventionally is. Unfortunately, most conventional medications and immunizations carry very dangerous levels of toxic ingredients. This means, the traditional standard of care gives a puppy a lot of toxic exposure and often cause serious neurological or other symptoms and/or diseases. By contrast, holistic puppy healthcare uses safer, non-toxic alternative medicines and approaches. In so doing, the puppy is able to develop optimally, giving the puppy a great foundation for a long and healthy life. Related Articles: Why Are Holistically-Reared Puppies So Healthy? Why Every Dog Owner Should Use A Holistic Vet
We use oral immunizations with our puppies. Also known as homeopathic nosodes, these oral immunizations are a very effective way to provide disease protection for young puppies while their immune systems are maturing and developing. Ultimately, when used to support natural exposure immunization, these immunizations can help a puppy develop a strong, lifetime immunity to disease.
The best way to encourage a puppy to develop a strong immune system is through natural exposure immunization. As it sounds, this method is dependent on natural exposure to disease to create an innate immune response. Consequently, this requires exposing a puppy to diseases in a controlled and safe way. To do this, the method incorporates oral nosode immunization support in combination with limited disease exposure. Ultimately, this will illicit an immune response. As a result, the puppy should develop lifelong immunity!
Quantum products are a relatively new technology for raising puppy. Basically, instead of taking physical products, the information (or energy) signatures of ingredients can be put into puppy's quantum field. In so doing, the information interacts with the puppy's field, much like a physical product interacts with a physical body. For example, we had a one-day old tiny runt puppy who was accidentally injured by her mother stepping on her. Consequently, she was in a lot of pain and her elbow joint became inflamed. While we addressed the injury with a Joint Infoboost, we also were able to manage her pain with Bach Flower products. As a result, the puppy healed up within 24-48 hours and made a full recovery without having to leave her mother to go to the vet. Additionally, quantum products simplify administration so we don't have to struggle to force a puppy to take a supplement. Best of all, quantum products give us access to over 800 ingredients to choose from. It is like having our own health store full of supplements for puppy raising at our fingertips 24/7! For more information about this amazing technology for your pets (and for you), please Contact Us or visit this Quantum Products page. Related Articles: Quantum Products (Supplements) Quantum Supplements Consultation For Pets
Raising puppy to potty-train early is accomplished by encouraging puppy's natural elimination instincts. In reality, a young puppy will instinctively not soil its bedding or food area. Therefore, we provide an environment that encourages these instincts to grow. As a result, our puppies naturally potty-train relatively quickly. Although, from a biological standpoint, a puppy cannot "hold it" for extended periods until they are 6-12 months old, they can learn where to go when they need to relieve themselves. Ultimately, our puppies know where to use the bathroom and where not to. So the majority of the work is already done before they go to their new homes. Because of this puppy raising strategy, our puppies transition their potty-training easily to their new homes and usually are potty-trained very fast. Related Article: Raising Potty-Trained Puppies Using Their Natural Instincts
"Sit" and "Stay" commands are very basic commands necessary for puppy raising. Interestingly, these two commands alone can make life much easier for every puppy owner. For example, if a puppy wants to go outside for a walk and gets too rambunctious, a simple "Sit" can make it much easier to get the puppy's leash on for the walk. Therefore, we start basic "Sit" and "Stay" training with our puppies. As a result, they are often more manageable than many other puppies their age. Obviously, it is up to the new owners to complete this basic command training as part of puppy raising once the puppy is in their home. Related Article: Command Trained Puppies
As part of puppy raising, we begin basic crate-training in the same way we begin potty-training our puppies. Since puppies instinctively do not want to soil their bed area, we use crates as their bedding area in their puppy play pen. This means shortly after their eyes open, puppies begin to associate their crate as their bedding area. As a result, they generally will not use their crate to go to the bathroom. Also, as the puppies get a bit older, we close them into their crates for short periods of time to acclimate them to being closed inside a crate. Related Article: Benefits of Crate-Trained Puppies
As soon as our puppies are moved to their puppy play pen area, they are given lots of exposure to chew-toys. So puppies do not become bored, we rotate a variety of chew-toys into their puppy play pen. Puppy raising with chew toys helps puppies learn that chew-toys are for playing, chewing, snuggling, etc. As a result, puppies are less likely to get into mischief or to bark at inappropriate times. Related Article: What Are Toy-Conditioned Puppies?