
Puppies For Sale VA

Welcome to our puppies for sale VA page!

For more information about our different breeds of puppies for sale VA, please click the links below:


  • AVAILABLE - We still have positions available on our Waiting List for current puppies.
  • PENDING - All positions are filled on our Waiting List for current puppies or a specific puppy has been selected for a specific buyer.
  • SOLD - This puppy has been offered to someone on our Waiting List and they have accepted the puppy.

Havanese Puppies For Sale VA

Havanese Puppy
Havanese Puppy
Havanese Puppy
Havanese Puppy

Litter Details For Our Breeds

Maltese, Havanese, Havamalts, and Maltipoos are all either very small dogs or small dogs, so naturally they often have small litters.  With all our breeds, their average litter is 4 puppies, but each litter can range from 1 to 7 puppies.  Every mama dog is unique and each litter can be very different, so whelping these small puppies is always a big adventure!  

For more details about each of our breed's upcoming litters, please visit the following :

Whelping Our Puppies

When the time comes for whelping our puppies, we provide as much whelping support as we can to our mama dogs.  Not only do we provide them with good wholesome food and a comfortable, safe, environment in our home, but we give our mama dogs all sorts of holistic and natural support as well because we focus on the whole dog.  This means not only meeting physical needs, such as food and shelter, but also meeting emotional needs as well.   

Our philosophy is that "mama knows best" and we follow her lead when it comes to where she will whelp and even where she will keep her newborn babies for the first little while.  We provide a safe whelping box, but sometimes the mama dog just does not want to be in the whelping box.  If she chooses another location and seems stressed or unhappy if we try to encourage her to use the whelping box, then we support her decision.  

ZuZu - for example - usually prefers to whelp on the couch and keep her puppies in a cardboard box.  During whelping, we station ourselves on the edges of the couch to make sure none of her puppies fall off the couch. 

During whelping, we always have a fully-stocked whelping kit on hand with lots of supplies for emergencies.  Our kit not only includes medical supplies like clamps and scissors, but also emotional support remedies, tail wraps for mama dog, little ID collars for the newborn puppies, etc.

We use essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies to reduce their stress and help mama feel calm and safe.  Prior to whelping, we use magnetic therapy to keep their hips well aligned in preparation for delivery.  

Other Information About Our Puppies For Sale VA

Be sure to visit our  puppy  Waiting List  page to learn how you can secure your spot on our Waiting List for whichever breed or breeds you prefer! All our puppies for sale VA come with lots of benefits, which are listed for you on our  What's Included page.  

Our  Breeding Approach and  Puppy-Rearing Methods pages contain lots of important details about our program.

Havamalt puppies, Maltese puppies, Maltipoo puppies, and Havanese puppies are all a blast to own!  For more information about each breed, please visit:

Puppies For Sale: Other Pages

Waiting List
What's Included?
Breeding Approach
Parent Dogs
Upcoming Litters
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