GENERAL INFORMATION: Breed: Havanese Gender: Male Weight: 10lbs 11oz Height: 12" Date of Birth: 5/18/2022 Color: White & Black with Ticking Personality Type: Bold-Confident with Sociable-Friendly tendencies
GENETIC INFORMATION: Genetic Tests Results: Clear Genetic COI: 6% Litter eCOI: 1.9% when bred to Baby Girl 6% when bred to Effie 10% when bred to ZuZu Embark Reports: Zumi's Breed Certificate Zumi's Health Summary Zumi's Full Report
Zumi is a very out-going boy who loves all the attention he can get! He often runs along the back of our couches and nuzzles our heads and necks. His tail is always wagging and his whole body wiggles with his friendly tail! When it is warm outside, he loves running around our farm socializing with all the animals! Most likely, you noticed that in the pictures of Zumi, his hair is short. This is because he loves running around our farm and the woods surrounding the farm, so his hair gets full of burrs and other prickers! Keeping his hair short makes it much easier to keep it well brushed and keep him properly cared for!